Once and Future Kings at Nightlight in Chapel Hill
July 27, 2009
suspension of reality
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Durty House Party
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Show Review: Twelve Thousand Armies (solo)

Once and Future Kings' five song EP Emergent Sea is a daisy of studio work and the calculated production they bring to the stage is a heavy balance between their sound booth heroics and a dimly lit concert hall. To shine on, Once and Future Kings looks beyond the standard of a band showing up to run through their songs and seeks to bring alive and set free the spectacular Brit-pop sound that was captivated in the studio. They set free a heavy footed American Telecaster to stalk the composition and dramatically emerge at the refrains to shock seize and devour. They let loose a rare second main vocalist mic to route through a pumped mids effects loop in compliment of lead singer Jesse's painstakingly precise vocals. Their live show deftly maneuvers foot switch effects and processors to free sound that took hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of studio gear to put on a CD. The map that these guys followed through the studio has lead them to the stage. The road signs may be different, but the key at the bottom is the same.
Once and Future Kings closed the night with a crowd of fifty gathered around the stage pointing video cameras and iphones. Those fifty were the same who opened the show with high expectations and the grin of those who know something no one else does. Once and Future Kings embraces their new found friends with a full line-up of fall shows including two local releases of Emergent Sea. Their next planned show will be at Metro Cafe in Raleigh on Thursday August 27th. --Carrboro Ninja
view their profiles:

additional reading about these guys on DECKFIGHT: http://www.deckfight.com/2009/07/king-me-once-and-future-kings-mon-727.html
ninja still art returns!